FISCHER PLUS GROUP supports Sheltersuit for more warmth in society
Together with the Dutch initiative Sheltersuit Foundation and local aid organizations, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) Germany has assignedcreatemotion with creating a support initiative for homeless people to alleviate the symptoms of living in homelessness. For this purpose Sheltersuit has developed multifunctional and warming outfits, which can be converted into sleeping bags. The FISCHER PLUS GROUP supports this affair of the heart with top personnel and significant discounts.
The roadshow ran from November 2021 to February 2022, with host*esses of the FISCHER PLUS GROUP were on duty at two mall locations in 15 German cities per week, on behalf of the lead agency createmotion. The perfectly trained and highly motivated FISCHER PLUS GROUP staff provided a comprehensive range of information in the 21 participating shopping centers to educate and raise awareness about the topic.
The host*esses, elegantly and professionally dressed in black, informed the shoppers, business and rental partners about the campaign and campaigned for additional donations. FISCHER PLUS GROUP supported the measure and provided part of the personnel free of charge.
Existing Sheltersuits and those funded in the future through the Awareness Initiative were donated to local relief organizations such as Caritas in the participating cities. These organizations distributed the suits to those most in need.